AI, Adaptability, and the Future of eCommerce, Insights from Gigi JK and Steve Tamulewicz

In this episode of Woo AgencyChat, Gigi J. Kizhakkechethipuzha, founder of Virtina, an eCommerce engineering company, joins Steve Tamulewicz from eCreations, a WooCommerce and WordPress platform engineering expert.

Together, they dive into the all things with running a WooCommerce agency, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how their companies adapted to the shifting landscape.

Gigi and Steve share how they approach ecommerce challenges, from competing with marketing agencies to solving complex client problems. The conversation also dives into the increasing role of AI in the industry, discussing both its advantages and potential drawbacks.

AI, Adaptability, and the Future of eCommerce, Insights from Gigi JK and Steve Tamulewicz

The Shift to eCommerce During COVID-19: Both Gigi and Steve shared how their businesses adapted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Brick-and-mortar stores faced significant challenges, but eCommerce sales surged, highlighting the importance of having a strong online presence. The pandemic forced many companies to improve their digital strategies and embrace eCommerce as a permanent part of their business model.

The Role of AI in eCommerce: AI has become a valuable tool for idea generation, content creation, and problem-solving in both companies. Gigi and Steve discussed how they use AI tools like ChatGPT to overcome creative blocks and code challenges, but both emphasized the need for human oversight to ensure the final product aligns with the brand’s tone and goals. AI is still in its infancy, and while it accelerates processes, companies need to stay sharp and not rely on it exclusively.

Collaboration Over Competition: Gigi emphasizes the importance of collaboration among agencies rather than seeing each other as competitors. He believes the “ocean is big enough” for everyone to thrive, and partnerships can lead to better outcomes for clients and businesses alike. Steve shares that some agency environments are highly competitive, but he shares Gigi’s perspective that collaboration is key to long-term success.

Adaptability is Key to Growth: Both guest co-hosts highlight how adaptability has been critical to their success. Whether it’s shifting lead generation strategies, using new AI tools, or adjusting to market changes, being flexible and open to new technologies and methodologies has allowed them to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving eCommerce space.

Future of eCommerce Platforms: Gigi raises an interesting point about the future of platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce, wondering if AI will one day generate fully-featured eCommerce platforms based on customer needs. This could lead to a more competitive landscape where businesses can more easily adopt advanced eCommerce solutions.

Human Expertise Still Matters: Despite the growing use of AI, both Gigi and Steve agree that human expertise remains crucial. AI can assist with tasks, but human insight, creativity, and decision-making are still essential for success, particularly in complex eCommerce projects.